Five Proven Content Marketing Strategies to Accelerate Business Growth

One of the best ways to grow a business and increase its revenue is through content marketing. However, there are a few strategies that you must follow as they increase the likelihood of content marketing being successful. 

In this article, we’re going to discuss what these strategies are. So, without further ado, let’s get right into it. 

Strategies For Content Marketing That Can Accelerate The Growth Of A Business

The following are the content marketing strategies that can bring or speed up the growth of a business. These strategies are proven and recommended by experts, so it is advised you follow them. 

1. Use An Audience-Centric Approach With Your Content

For content marketing to be fruitful, it has to be done with the audience in mind. The content that’s created for marketing purposes must resonate with the audience, address their pain points, and cater to their interests

The only way to this right is to understand your audience inside out. Conduct thorough research, take surveys, and perform competitor analysis. We’re adding competitor analysis here because the competitors of your business will most probably have the same audience that you’re targeting through content marketing. 

That said, doing these things will provide you with the insights you need to tailor content to your audience, increasing the chances of your marketing efforts bearing fruit. 

2. Create High-Quality Content And Be Consistent With It

The content that is used in marketing must be of high quality. It must:

  • Be readable.
  • Have good clarity. 
  • Should stick to the point rather than having unnecessary information. 

Failing to achieve these qualities in your content will make it look dull and amateurish. 

That being said, to make your content as readable for your audience as possible, use simple words and sentence structures rather than complex ones. Technical jargon should also be avoided. If you’ve already created marketing content that has some complex words, you can reword it. Whether to do it manually or with a rewording tool is up to you.

When it comes to clarity, it can be achieved by keeping sentences coherent and logical. Unnecessary information shouldn’t be added either as it can throw the audience off. 

Once you’ve started creating quality content for marketing, you should be consistent with it. Remember that a regular posting schedule can improve the chances of your marketing being successful and bringing growth to the business. It doesn’t matter if you publish content daily, weekly, or monthly, follow the schedule you’ve created

3. Make Use Of Multiple Content Formats

Sticking to one content format might bring traffic to your business but it can be improved. By utilizing multiple content formats like blog posts, social media posts, infographics, etc., you can reach a wider audience through your marketing content. 

This will also help cater to the different preferences and consumption habits of audiences. However, you must note that each content format is a bit different, and their channels require different things. For example, blog posts are usually long and have to be kept highly informative. Whereas social media posts are shorter and usually do not provide the audience with too much information. 

That said, you do not have to create content for each format from scratch. There’s something called repurposing and you can do that. Take already published or created marketing content and alter it so it fits in another format. Turning a blog post into an infographic can be taken as an example

4. Perform SEO On Your Marketing Content

Optimizing your content for search engines is always a good idea in content marketing. Doing so increases its chances of getting ranked higher among SERPs. If ranked higher, the traffic it receives will increase and in turn, the conversions too, leading to accelerated business growth. 

That said, optimizing your marketing content includes doing several things. They are:

  • Performing keyword research and incorporating relevant ones naturally throughout the content. 
  • Creating meta descriptions, headings, and title tags. 
  • Adding internal and external links to the content. 

There are other things you can do as well but the ones we’ve just mentioned will be enough for starters. 

Adding to the points, when it comes to keywords, you should ensure that they have a high search volume and low difficulty. Tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush can be used to find these types of keywords. Coming to the other two things, here’s a detailed guide that explains how you can do them effectively. 

5. Analyze And Adapt Accordingly For Continuous Improvement

The last strategy that experts recommend is that you should keep a close eye on how your content is performing. See what’s working and what’s not. Use analytic tools to measure the traffic, conversions, and engagement of your content

These things will help you identify what type of content your audience wants more. You can then adjust the content marketing strategy accordingly. Not only that but areas of improvement can also be determined. 

One thing that we’d like to add here is that you shouldn’t hesitate to improve content that’s already published. If you do it, chances are that it might start performing well. This can be a good way to make your content marketing as successful as possible rather than creating content pieces from scratch to take the place of the bad-performing ones. 

These are the five proven content marketing strategies that have to potential to accelerate your business growth. With these discussed, our article comes to an end. 


Content marketing is great for bringing growth to a business and improving the revenue it generates. However, it has to be done right and for that, multiple strategies can be used. Five of the proven ones are using an audience-centric approach, being consistent and creating high-quality content, utilizing multiple content formats, performing SEO, and analyzing and adapting. We’ve discussed all of them in detail in this article. 

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