Debunking 8 Common Myths about Cloud Computing

Cloud computing allows users to store and access computer programs, storage facilities, and numerous IT resources placed on a virtual cloud platform.


Cloud computing is an assemblage that allows users to access computer programs, have storage facilities and use numerous IT resources placed on a virtual cloud platform on the internet. Users simply need to rent space from cloud platforms in order to access data online which is remotely stored on the cloud. Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) are some of the popular and reliable platforms used by customers all over the world.

Being a relatively new technology, several misconceptions are hovering around in terms of the pros and cons for its usage. Let’s have a brief insight on some of the related concerns.

  1. The greatest advantage of cloud computing is lower costs
  2. Clouds are a one-size-fits-all
  3. Cloud computing is synonymous with virtualisation
  4. Data Security is at risk
  5. You’re either all in or all out
  6. Clouds only operate on commodity components
  7. Service providers may trap you in a ‘lock-in’
  8. Your current computer systems will continue to work just as smoothly after the transition

1. The greatest advantage of cloud computing is lower costs

Resource and data consolidation in cloud computing results in a substantial cost saving, yet shifting onto a cloud for lower hardware and maintenance costs is rarely the biggest driving force. The fact of the matter is that organisations are now seeing greater benefits such as resource sharing, auto-scaling, flexibility and business advancement by adopting cloud technology.

2. Clouds are a one-size-fits-all

Every business has different functions and requirements and would want an extensive range of cloud-computing options to choose from. A sizable variety of cloud platforms are available which can be tailored to the needs and specifications of the company. Hence, clouds are not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ platform.

3. Cloud Computing is synonymous with virtualisation


Even though virtualisation is the central technology around which cloud computing is built; it cannot create the cloud in isolation. Virtualisation is predominantly dedicated to consolidating server and workload with the objective of cutting down on infrastructure overheads. Success of the cloud is dependent on the automated management infrastructure around the server. In conjunction, the cloud platform offers greater flexibility, functionality, resource sharing and cost savings.

4. Data security is at risk

Shifting to a public cloud might appear risky for companies as data may not seem secure. However, contrary to popular impression, cloud service providers are well-equipped with systems to fend-off hackers and have implemented advanced anti-malware and firewall systems. Engineers working in these platforms regularly identify problems and update the system, leaving little room for defects.

5. You’re either all-in or all-out

In reality, a business can keep its physical IT infrastructure while simultaneously utilising cloud services. Most implementations start by using a hybrid approach, shifting applications one by one, and eventually switching completely. A hybrid cloud gives you the power to apply your computing specifications by adjusting accordingly.

6. Clouds only operate on commodity components

Although online consumer websites have garnered publicity for using cheap commodity components and servers, clouds are operating on servers of various sizes. Whether you’re setting up a private cloud or using a public one, there are a few critical questions to ask first:

  • Why should your organisation shift to the cloud?
  • Can your existing software work with the cloud?
  • How much time and money is involved in deploying the hardware and Virtual Machines?
  • Will your data be secure?

As you start answering these questions, you’ll realise that commodity hardware isn’t the best solution regarding performance, storage space, power utilization, etc. Contrary to the norm, optimised cloud hardware that is specially engineered to deliver superior performance and efficiency often provides the lowest Total cost of ownership (TCO) for the aforementioned services.

7. Service providers may trap you in a ‘lock-in’

Supplier lock-in is a scenario in which clients cannot easily switch to a competitor. Without a doubt, cloud service providers would want to prevent customers from leaving at any cost. Contrariwise, the solution is that businesses have numerous possibilities available that will help them dodge a lock-in, thus they need to look for:

  1. Transparent, industry-based standards,
  2. Multiple implementation options across public clouds, private clouds or hybrid clouds, and
  3. Smooth integration capabilities for effortlessly moving data from the cloud.

8. Your current computer systems will continue to work just as smoothly after the transition

Unfortunately, this may not be true. Cloud servers are usually shared which causes performance to deteriorate. This may have a weak influence on dedicated industry systems designed for on-site servers. As a client, you may not be able to accurately predict performance blow until the switch takes place.


Even though awareness about cloud computing is on the rise, misconceptions are still lingering around. The overall hype may encourage users into making uninformed decisions, leading to a cascade of complications. Therefore, it is crucial for consumers to research and consider all available options beforehand, keeping specific financial and project requirements in mind.


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